The Steier Group is proud to debut our new podcast, Twelve Wicker Baskets with Christopher Beaudet. Subscribe now on your favorite podcast app.
In the Gospel, Jesus fed 5,000 with only five loaves and two fish. After the crowd was satisfied, there were 12 wicker baskets left over. God provides the abundance. In each episode of this podcast, we will explore, with pastoral leaders and development professionals, all the many ways God meets the spiritual and temporal needs of our parish communities, our Catholic schools and the diocesan church. And not only meets those needs but provides in abundance.
The first episode of the podcast is The Courage to Fundraise with guest Nathan Ball.
This inaugural episode explores the thought of Henri Nouwen on the human journey from “the house of fear to the house of love” and how Nouwen’s spirituality of fundraising is therefore less about fundraising per se and more about recognizing each engagement with benefactors as a graced interpersonal encounter. Nathan Ball discusses the importance of shifting our mindset and the way we talk about fundraising from duty and burden to opportunity and invitation to deep relationship. Nouwen spoke of the human heart as fearful and anxious and yet the more authentic we become, the more at peace we are and the less anxious we become about inviting others to share our mission. Another way to develop the courage to fundraise is to be aware of the wounded relationship each person has with money and to approach donor engagement gently, ready to listen to potential donors as much as we are ready to talk.
Guest: Nathan Ball
Former Executive Director of the L’Arche International Foundation; Close Friend of Fr. Henri Nouwen
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