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Creating a comprehensive development plan with moments, movements and missions

By September 8, 2023June 19th, 2024Steier Tips

“Our big fundraiser for the year is _____________.”

I hear this a lot when speaking with smaller organizations about their fundraising and development strategy.

This response tells me a few things about the organization:

  • They do not have an informed development plan.
  • Because of that, they invest their time in all the wrong places.
  • Their donors are not as engaged as they could be.
  • The organization is nowhere near its fundraising potential.

But, it is not all doom and gloom. Here’s what else I hear:

  • Their donor engagement funnel is very top-heavy. In other words, there is a lot of potential.
  • Their donors are energized! Fundraising events tend to stir up a lot of excitement.
  • They have a foundation up which to build their annual giving strategy and a pathway to major gift relationships.

The events don’t have to go away, they need to be ordered correctly within a comprehensive development plan.

Consider this: Moments. Movements. Missions.

  • Moments draw donors to your ministry.
  • Movements welcome them in.
  • Missions give them purpose as part of your community.

This framework is great for organizations looking to step beyond events-based fundraising and into a comprehensive development plan.

  • Moments = Events, giving days, etc.
  • Movements = A comprehensive annual fund, monthly giving society and consistent communications
  • Missions = Major giving, planned giving and capital campaigns

Many organizations just create moments and ride the excitement that comes a few times a year. Great organizations build a pathway that leads donors into the heart of their mission.

Don’t just invite your donors to dinner. Take them on a journey and make an impact together.

If you’d like to discuss creating a comprehensive development plan for your organization and how a capital campaign fits in, please contact me.