Fall offers the perfect chance to take a look at your nonprofit’s planned giving program.
Strong annual giving, strategically-planned special events, and professionally-run capital campaigns are the bedrock of any fundraising program. But a strong planned giving program will have a lasting impact for any nonprofit.
Does your organization have a legacy society? Have you taken stock of all the deferred gifts your donors have planned?
Here are four ways to improve your planned giving program:
Honor your donors: Whenever a volunteer, donor or member of your organization passes away and leaves a gift from his or her estate plan, this presents a tremendous opportunity to honor an important part of your community while also promoting planned giving.
After an appropriate amount of time following this person’s passing, invite family, friends and everyone from the organization to honor the donor’s life and his or her support of your organization. At the event, explain how this gift will help your organization carry out its mission.
Share how planned giving benefits your organization and your donors: Good planning and good communication can empower a legacy donor to take care of loved ones and the donor’s favorite charity or charities. Suggest your donors speak with professional advisors to best outline a plan that will allow them to take care of their family and leave your organization a gift.
Your organization can help with the communication by providing illustrations from planned giving software to show how a plan benefits everyone involved. Happy loved ones can become new donors for your organization.
Get creative: Promote planned giving ideas in your organization’s newsletter and other forms of communication. Just a few simple illustrations can start the ball rolling to a stronger future gift for your organization. But don’t keep it to the basics of an IRA contribution. Get creative! One possible option to suggest is a wealth replacement device like life insurance. That can be used to replace the value of what is being given so that both charities and loved ones benefit equally.
Offer to help: When it comes to planned giving, your donors or volunteers may not know where to start. Even a simple question – “Have you updated your will recently?” – can start a meaningful conversation. Have a list of estate planning attorneys, financial planners and other professionals handy to provide your donors. Make sure these professionals know about your organization.
These four steps should help put your planned giving program on track for success.
If you have any questions regarding planned giving or the professional services provided by the Steier Group, I encourage you to contact me at any time. We’d love to help you reach your development goals.