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Amber Cerveny, Capital Campaign Manager

Amber Cerveny

  [email protected]

Auburn, Illinois

University of Notre Dame in South Bend, Indiana

Amber Cerveny has five God daughters that she adores, three of whom are also her nieces.

Areas of Expertise:
Campaign planning studies, capital campaigns, marketing, storytelling, and cultivating relationships to share and grow the impact of mission-based organizations.

Community Involvement:
Amber is an active member of St. Vincent de Paul in South Bend, Indiana.

Fun Fact:
Amber played the trombone in the University of Notre Dame marching band.

Amber enjoys reading, cooking, taking long walks, Notre Dame football and spending time with her family.

What I like about the Steier Group:
Growing up in the Midwest, just across the street from cornfields, I witnessed the cycle and beauty of planting and harvesting. Throughout scripture these themes are woven, providing great insight into our faith and work. I see working at Steier Group as an opportunity to collaborate with parishes and other Catholic organizations to plant seeds that will bear much fruit, both now and for generations to come.